Extremely Helpful Books covering NPD
In the beginning stages of my healing, I did a TON of reading. Actually, I listened to them all on Audible, driving in my car (who has time to read when you have kids?). Anyways, these books were key in helping me understand what NPD is, and how to deal (or not deal) with others in your life that have it. It was eye-opening to realize how this personality type had been penetrating my life for years and I had never been able to put my finger on it. I hope they help you as much as they helped me. Even reading ONE of these books will help you significantly, they are that good.

The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist: Finding Healing After Hidden Emotional and Psychological Abuse is the most comprehensive and helpful audiobook on the topic of covert narcissism. This type of narcissism is one of the most damaging forms because the abuse is so hidden and so insidious. You can be in a relationship that can last for decades and not realize you are being psychologically and emotionally controlled, manipulated, and abused.

Should I Stay or Should I Go is a survival manual, a guidebook―and a shot of reality. Some people will never change, and kissing frogs is the stuff of fairy tales, not real life. The Beast never turns out to be a nice guy (or gal). This is a book that breaks down what mean people do to us, how they do it, and what we can do to survive.

Healing and Recovering from Co-dependency, Addiction, Enabling, and Low Self-Esteem This story is told through the jagged peephole of the author's awareness, examining her formative wounds and influences from the perspective of a woman who has now gained experience and wisdom.This story is about healing the faulty programming of childhood. It is about recovery from relationship addiction, food addiction, anxiety, and constant fear. It is a human story that will resonate with readers from all walks of life, and which offers hope to anyone who has felt imprisoned by the past.

People with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorders are master manipulators; Caretakers fall for them every time. This book helps Caretakers break the cycle and puts them on a new path of personal freedom, discovery, and self-awareness, through the use of real stories and practical suggestions from a seasoned therapist.

How to Do No Contact like a Boss explains the reasons for going No Contact and takes the listener through the initial planning stages, exit strategies, the moment of No Contact, what to expect in the days that follow, and how to deal with a persistent and/or abusive ex who refuses to respect one's request for No Contact. Also included are alternative healing methods that address what traditional therapy often overlooks.

In this fully expanded and updated third edition of the bestselling classic, you learn why verbal abuse is more widespread than ever, and how you can deal with it. You'll get more of the answers you need to recognize abuse when it happens, respond to abusers safely and appropriately, and most important, lead a happier, healthier life.

My Road Beyond The Codependent Divorce is written to encourage and support those of us who feel the need to move out of dysfunctional marriages and family relationships. It is an inspiring and uplifting story as its ending resembles a fairy tale. It is my hope that YOU the adult child learn to love the self--and that perhaps my journey told through my books helps you remember that within you--far beyond the things that have been done to you--YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Although clinical research has been conducted on narcissism as a disorder, less is known about its effects on victims who are in toxic relationships with partners with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Individuals with this disorder engage in chronic devaluation and manipulation of their partners, a psychological and emotional phenomenon known as "narcissistic abuse." Unfortunately, the full extent of what narcissistic abuse entails is not taught in any psychology class or diagnostic manual.

Within every community, toxic people can be found hiding in families, couples, companies, and places of worship. The cryptic nature of psychological abuse involves repetitious mind games played by one individual or a group of people. Psychological abuse leaves no bruises. There are no broken bones. There are no holes in the walls. The bruises, brokenness, and holes are held tightly within the target of the abuse.

THE JOURNEY is a roadmap out of the suffering and struggle after narcissistic abuse. It is a comprehensive, holistic outline of the recovery process so you can measure where you are and where you want to go in the journey of self-healing. If you want to change anything in life, you’re going to need to measure it somehow. This structure will help you get to the next level and keep moving forward out of the gravity of the past so you can create a life of peace, joy, meaning and purpose.

In her book, Tina explains how a smart, independent woman can fall prey to a narcissistic man. Tina discusses the red-flag reflections that she chose to ignore while dating and during the marriage. Tina acted as her own attorney in a divorce that can only be described as hell on Earth, and she will share the strategies that helped her to navigate through this battle while maintaining her sanity and sense of humor.